So much for going on a bvacation/b for 5 days. The next morning I rushed to book my train ticket to Trivandrum But every single train was full. Reason? Onam. I got waitlisted. And it never got confirmed the next day, till the very last minute. b...../b Any ordinary Keralite would be familiar with the works of Basheer or Thakazi or bZacharia/b. If at all he hasn't read their books, at least he would be familiar with their names. In TamilNadu, people hardly know the names of their ...
Shellie bZacharia/b, Michael Harrison, Subscription to Keyhole. Shya Scanlon, Jeremy Schmall, Two year Subscription to JUBILAT. Sidebrow Editors, Adam Robinson. Signe Cluiss, Katie Colvin, bVacation/b by DebOUnferth, Wolf at the Door by ...